Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Getting started with Sketchup using Square, Circles & Arc tool

Video Tutorial 4 -  
Drawing Tools - SQUARE, CIRCLES & ARC with the introduction to PUSH/PULL

If you are new to Sketchup, you can follow and watch Video Tutorials outlined below:  These tutorials are arranged for you to be able to access all the series from Video Tutorial 1 (for beginners)

1. Video Tutorial 1 - Downloading Free Sketchup
2. Video Tutorial 2 - Getting Started - Choosing a Template 
3. Video Tutorila 3 - The Drawing Tools - LINE TOOLS 
4. Video Tutorial 4 - The Drawing Tools - SQUARE TOOL, CIRCLE & ARC with Introduction
to PUSH/PULL TOOL (this tutorial)
5. Video Tutorial 5 - The 3D Creation Tool - THE FOLLOW ME TOOL 
6. Video Tutorials 6  - The Editing Tools - COPY, MOVE AND SCALE TOOL 
7. Video Tutorials 7  - The Editing Tool - OFFSET TOOL 

Drawing Tools are your most commonly used tools in creating any design composition. These tools are simple and straight forward. This is to help you create two-dimensional to 3d object. 

The starting point is to create a line, or arc or even squares and circles that is an objects with a surface that can be extruded using PUSH/PULL tool. This is the only tool you can use to create three dimensional objects. LINE and ARC tools are used to create irregular shapes as in the creation of a plan layout in different shapes, connecting the first point with your last created point, the object you drew will become a closed polygon (with a surface) that can be extruded too. This is a great way to help you understand the basic principle in creating a 3d object.  Watch the video tutorial and take some time to explore these tools. Once you have learned and got familiar with the tool, you are more likely to enjoy using sketchup.

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