Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Getting started with the Line tool in Sketchup

Video tutorial 3 - The Drawing Tools - LINE TOOLS

If you are new to Sketchup, you can follow and watch Video Tutorials outlined below:  These tutorials are arranged for you to be able to access all the series from Video Tutorial 1 (for beginners)

1. Video Tutorial 1 - Downloading Free Sketchup
2. Video Tutorial 2 - Getting Started - Choosing a Template 
3. Video Tutorila 3 - The Drawing Tools - LINE TOOLS (this tutorial) 
4. Video Tutorial 4 - The Drawing Tools -  SQUARE, CIRCLES AND ARC TOOLS
5. Video Tutorial 5 - The 3D Creation Tool- FOLLOW ME TOOL
6. Video Tutorials 6  - The Editing Tools - COPY, MOVE AND SCALE TOOL 
7. Video Tutorials 7  - The Editing Tool - OFFSET TOOL 

The LINE tool is your starting point in any drawing composition. As a designer, Sketchup has developed this tool which is similar to your pencil or pen tool in manual sketchin. Using the line tool (pencil tool, represented by the icon) is easy. Take note on the 3 guidelines that appear in the drawing interface. The Vertical line (represented by green line), the horizontal line (represented by the red line) and the upward line (represented by the green line). 

In the beginning, you will be drawing the lines that corresponds to the default coordinate system that corresponds to the vertical and horizontal lines. Notice that the line that you draw is represented by a black line, whenever you drag the pencil tool, the black line will turn to either green, red or blue, that means the next line you will be creating is parallel to the corresponding color. Pick the first point then drag towards the direction you want your line to appear, either vertical (green) or horizontal. You can enter a certain value using your keyboard and the value can be found at the lower right corner of the screen. 

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