Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Offset tool in Sketchup

Video tutorial 7 - The Editing  Tool - OFFSET TOOL

Here's another tool commonly used in 3d modeling. The Copy, Move and Scale tool.

1. Video Tutorial   1 - Downloading Free Sketchup
2. Video Tutorial   2 - Getting Started - Choosing a Template 
3. Video Tutorila   3 - The Drawing Tools - LINE TOOLS 
4. Video Tutorial   4 - The Drawing Tools - RECTANGLE OR SQUARE TOOL
5. Video Tutorial   5  - The 3D Creation Tool- FOLLOW ME TOOL
6. Video Tutorials 6  - The Editing Tools - COPY, MOVE AND SCALE TOOL 
7. Video Tutorials 7  - The Editing Tool - OFFSET TOOL (this tutorial)

OFFSET TOOL - This tools is used to offset a surface in any plane. This is useful in creating windows, doors and/or any other furniture which requires an equal distance offset from the border of the plane.


Pick the plane that you want to offset, select the offset tool and drag either inner of outer part of the plane you are offsetting. Specify distance as shown on the lower right corner of your screen, type in any value you would want to offset and hit enter. That's it!

Another line will be created along the plane and you can manipulate the two planes created using push/pull tool. Works well with the framing.

That's how you can use this tool.

Please feel free to comment or ask any question if you have question about this tool.